A Review of Slay The Spire (The Board Game) From Someone Who Doesn’t Like Rogue-like Games And Has Never Played The Video Game!



When I was an undergrad at college, a lot of my friends played a game called Rogue on the vt100 computer terminals.


It was a little dungeon crawler that my friends spent HOURS and HOURS playing.

It’s a Dungeon Crawler? Fun!  Do you save you characters very often?
“Uh, … no.  You just play until you die.  You don’t save characters.”
I’m out!”

And that was pretty much where I learned to dislike Rogue-like games.  If I play a dungeon crawler spending hours leveling up my character, I want to save it!  Part of the fun, for me at least, is returning to my character that I’ve invested in.  I have no desire to play a formless character that just dies.

To be fair, my opinion has not aged well.  I have been informed by many people that Rogue-like games have some saving capability.  Still, my malformed opinion has persisted through the years.

Slay The Spire


Because of my prejudice against Rogue-like games, I have never played the original Video game Splay The Spire.  I must admit, though, that I was intrigued by Slay The Spire (a cooperative deck-building game) when it appeared on Kickstarter back in November 2022.   The original Slay The Spire video game was really only a solo game … maybe the transition to cooperative board game would make it something more up my alley?


This arrived at my house in May 2023 (see above); it had promised delivery in Dec 2023, so it’s about 5 months late.  In the world of Kickstarter, 5 months late is not bad.


This is a cooperative board game for 1-4 players, Ages 12+, with only 60-90 minutes per Act!  I was intrigued!  To be fair, a lot of my friends seemed “excited” to play this game, so I freely admit that their enthusiasm was contagious.  

Let’s take a look!



This is a pretty tall box (see Coke can above for perspective), but  it’s about the same form factor (in length and width) as a Ticket To Ride size box.


The top of the box has the rulebook and Upgrades and Items guide.


Don’t be too impressed by this Upgrades and Items guide: all it does is show all the cards!  It has no disambiguating text!


There is a very nice boxing/unboxing guide for putting this together and taking this apart. See above.


Are you like me as one of the few people and didn’t know that Slay The Spire Video Game was a deck-building game? Well, the board game is also a deck-building game!  As a deck-building game, this game comes with SO MANY cards!  See above and below. And its own sleeves!  For more discussion of Cooperative deck-builders like this, check out our Top 10 Cooperative Deck-Building Games!


I have been informed that the cards and art look exactly like the Video Game.


And there are a ton of cards and boards!  See above!  This game looks really fantastic! See above!

And it looks like the Video Game.


I want to be 100% clear about this: this production is amazing!  It’s a deck-building game that comes with sleeves!  The tokens come in an easy-to-use tray! The cards can all be stored very easily in the box!   The box is easy to repack!   They really knocked it out of the park on the production of this game!



Each player chooses one of 4 characters to play: see the characters above. I have been informed by players of the Slay The Spire Video Game that these are straight out of the Video Game!


Each player also takes the corresponding figurine: these will be used to notate which “row” you will be fighting in; we’ll describe that more below.


Each player has their own deck of cards to start with: each deck is a little different and really represents a different play style.  Simplifying a little too much: the blue deck is defensive, the red deck is offensive, and the green deck is all about poison.  


Players together choose a “path” to take to get to the final Bad Guy (at the top of the board above). These decisions can have you fight a monster, summon the merchant, build a fire (“smith” or heal: I learned the word “smith” from one of the Slay The Spire Video Game friends), fight Epic monsters, or take events. I was informed these choices were very reminiscent of things that happen in the Video Game.


When you fight a monster, each row next to a character gets some monster(s) from the Encounter Deck! See above as “the red guy” fights a Shelled Parasite. (I don’t know “the red guy’s” name because it is not notated on his board). Note that the monster has some hit points (left and right of card), and some icons: those icons tell you what the monster does when it attacks you.


As a card game, you play cards to attack your monster and/or defend yourself!! Shields up your defense (blue icons above), and swords up your attack (red swords above). You only have a limited amount of energy per turn to spend to play a card (usually 3 energy worth), so that limits which cards you can play (the energy cost is in the upper left corner).

You draw up to 5 cards every turn, and discard all when you are done. That feels very much like a deck-builder.


Typically after you win a battle with a monster, you can add an upgraded card to your deck: you deal 3 and choose 1 (apparently, just like the Video Game). See an example draw above.


See above as some of my cards have a GREEN text for the title?  This means that I was able upgrade the card BY FLIPPING IT OVER!  Each card has two sides, a normal side and an upgraded side: you can “Smith” to turn the card over and therefore improve it!!  This is a really neat mechanic in a deck-building … and rare! I can’t think of another deck-builder that does this!


You can also occasionally get new additions from a rare deck (see yellow outline): these are much better cards!


To be clear, each character has their OWN upgrade deck to draw from and their OWN rares deck to draw from!  See above: the red guy has a starter cards (grey outline), upgrade deck (black outline), and rares deck (yellow outline).  This makes each character very distinct as they are built to upgrade a specific way.  Like we said earlier, the red guy’s decks concentrate on attacks, blue guy’s deck concentrate on defense, and green guy’s decks concentrate on poison.  


You occasionally can buy stuff from the passing merchant, including potions or treasures and even random cards. This even includes a way to cull cards: we call this The Andrew rule: A deck-building game MUST have a fairly systematic way to cull cards. Luckily, Andrew would (and does) like this game because he can cull cards.


Along the way, there are all sorts of other cards that come out: Events, Monsters, Potions, Treasures, Epic Treasures, and deck-cloggers (Daze and fire).  I have been told this is just like the video game!


But of course, the purpose of all this is to take down the Big Bad Monster at the top!  See above as I fight the Big Bad Bronze Automaton and a Bronze Orb! 

Like many cooperative games, all players win together when they defeat the Big Bad, or they lose if any of them dies! So, it’s in everyone’s best interest to cooperate and keep each other alive!

The Rulebook


 I need to talk about the rulebook.  It’s okay, but not great. It really should have been better given how great the production of the rest of this game.

IMG_4689 (1)

It does well on The Chair Test: it only droops over  the edges a little, the font is big and readable, and the book stays open on the chair next to me so I can see the rules without taking up precious table space.  This rulebook gets an A- on The Chair Test!!


The game starts off great with a Table of Contents, a link for a Companion App, a link for a How to Play video, and a list of all components (most) with correlating pictures!!  Very very nice! I felt very happy to see this!  My only fix might be that I had wished they had labelled the tokens better … there are a lot of tokens and I didn’t know what any of them were!! 


The set-up is pretty good, but this where the cracks start to develop.  This is my first example of this rulebook being too minimal: I accidentally shuffled the Summon deck, but it doesn’t say WHY you shouldn’t it!  I didn’t know how to recover?!?!??!  It turns out the Summon deck should “probably” just be alphabetically sorted so you can find cards easily … that’s the only reason to not shuffle it, you just make your life harder when you have to find a card.  Really, I could have used a sentence:

  “Don’t shuffle the Summon Deck because you will be searching for cards (alphabetically) in it later in the game.  Just sort the deck alphabetically if you accidentally shuffle it!

But other than that, the set-up went fairly well.  


This rulebook is pretty well annotated with lots of pictures and examples.   See above.  In general, the rules are fairly clearly set out.  But the real problem with this rulebook is that it seems to assume that you have played the video game.  There are a lot of places where a rulebook for a normal game would be chastised.  I can’t tell you how many times I played with Jon and Keala (who have played the Video Game A LOT), and when I went to lookup a rule, they told me “it’s just like that in the video game!  So it probably means that!” So many times, they clarified a rule by saying “it’s like that in the video game!”  … which is not good for those of us who haven’t played the video game or other Rogue-Lites.


My canonical example of this was the Regret curse.  I actually got two curses one one turn, Regret and Injury (see above)!  My reading of these was that Injury was a worse curse because it keeps clogging my deck as I draw it and shuffle it back in.  I though Regret was a better curse because you just got once and it was out of your deck.   Nope! It clogs your hand so you draw fewer cards!   You draw up to 5 cards, so if Regret is in your hand, you can only draw 4 cards.  I didn’t think the rule was well-specified in the rulebook, but when I asked Keala and Jon they said “Oh it’s just like the Video Game, you can only draw 4 cards!”.  I really wish the rules had made this clearer!  This is just one of SO MANY examples where Jon and Keala said “Oh it’s like that in the video game!”.  This rulebook should have been vetted by someone who has NOT played the video game so as to clarify a lot of finer points.


Even though this game doesn’t have an Index (and it really should), the back of the rulebook had an invaluable list of Abilities and Keywords.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good stuff in the rulebook, but it was too minimal in a few places (For example: a few more sentences about the Retain keyword or why Summon deck shouldn’t be shuffled).  I was able to learn the game and playthrough solo … and I had fun. I was able to play cooperatively with a bunch of friends (who hadn’t played the Video Game) … and we all had fun.  It wasn’t until I played with seasoned Video Gamers that knew the game that I realized this rulebook needed some more clarifications: it depended a little too much of knowledge of the video game.

Solo Game


Like the Video Game, you can play this solo (thank you for following Saunders’ Law)! See above as I set-up the red guy for a solo game. There’s not really a lot of special rules or exceptions for the solo game, you just play! The main balancing mechanisms are really in combat:

  1. In plain combat, a monster comes out per row (i.e. per player). Thus, the solo player will be fighting just one row of monster(s).
  2. In Big Bad combat, the number of hit points is scaled to the number of players.

So, in general, you can just jump in and play the solo game without any real special rules! Thank you Slay The Spire! It was SO EASY to jump in solo!


I had so much fun playing solo that I played through the first three Acts of the game! I had a blast!  There are so many places where you upgrade or get new cards, that you always feel like you are making progress!  You always feel like you are getting better!

Really, solo was fun.  I had a blast. I played wrong on a few points (one to discuss below), but even without knowing the Video Game, I had a good time.

Cooperative Play with Players Who DO NOT Know the Video Game


I ended up playing a full 4-Player game of Slay The Spire with three of my friends who have never played the Video Game!  We ended up playing through Act I in one night in about 90 minutes (with a little extra time for set-up and tear-down).   So, I just had to teach the game as-is … no one (including myself) had ever played Slay The Spire the Video Game!


The biggest conceptually difference, of course, is that this is a fully cooperative game! Slay The Spire is always thought of as a solo game! But the board game is fully cooperative!


The biggest change is that every character gets his/her own row of monsters to fight!  See above!  While you nominally tend to fight the monster in your row (it sort of becomes “your responsibility” as it does damage to you only), you can target any monster in any row!  So, if a monster has a particularly bad effect for everyone (certain monsters can attack everyone), or if a comrade just needs a little help, players may choose to work together to take out particularly vexing monsters! 


My favorite rule in this game is that it allows fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order (see more discussion of PSTO here).  The rulebook calls this out on page 12:

“Players can play cards, use potions, and activate abilities in any order they choose.”

What this means, is that we (as players) can intersperse our actions to accomplish things! If we need Sara to play a Potion, then Andrew attacks to add a Vulnerable, to which then Sara can play another card and attack (for double damage), we can do that! Players can work together to find the best combination of their interspersed actions to take down the baddies!


In fact, in some ways, Slay The Spire gets the best of both worlds! Since you “generally” need to fight the monster in your row, players can do Simultaneous Actions to fight their own monster, but defer to fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order if they really need to! The Simultaneous Actions helps keep everyone involved … rather than waiting for “your turn”, you can all fight the monsters at once … this means there is much less downtime.

I think this is where Slay The Spire shines the brightest as a cooperative game: the players can choose the best way to play to either help each other (with fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order) or move the game along quickly (with an easy way to Simultaneous Actions fighting your monsters!) It’s the player’s choice, and I noticed we shifted between these modes pretty seamlessly when we played! It was something I didn’t notice until I looked back on our plays.


The cooperative game worked fantastically, probably better than the solo game because I got to talk and strategize and have fun with my friends!

Cooperative Play With People WHO HAVE PLAYED The Video Game


So, I wanted to make sure I played this game cooperatively with some friends who have played the video game: I wanted to see what they thought.   Jon and Keala (above) are both fans and have played (and like) Slay The Spire the video game.


What happened sort of surprised me: we fell into a rhythm fairly quickly.  Every time there was any rules question, Jon or Keala spoke up and said “Well, it’s like this in the video game”, so we didn’t spend very much time pouring over the rulebook.  The Video Game became the reference implementation of the game!  This was both cool and annoying.  It was cool that the game seemed to fall inline with the Video Game, but it was annoying that the rulebook didn’t do better at explaining a lot of things.


We had so much fun playing, we ended up playing Act I and Act II in one night!   The game just seemed fun to everyone.


Jon saved our bacon a number of times: he had the ability to shield other players (as the blue guy), which worked out very well!  I would be able to attack something (as the red guy) and Jon (as the blue guy) would shield me or Keala (the green guy) so that we wouldn’t die!   This cooperation seemed seamless!  It just happened that way!   


The game really clicked for everyone that night: I feel like I know the game better (with all my friends’ comments on how the Video Game works), and I was able to bring my friends into the card game quickly from reading the rules.  We had a great time and plan to play again!

A While


It’s taken a while for me to get to this point.  I initially had some misgivings about the game.

At first, I was grumpy at the rulebook for how minimal is was: it really needs a lot more elaborations on the rules.  There was one rule in particular I was enchanted with, until I realized I was playing wrong. The “Draw 5 Cards: there is no maximum hand size” (p. 12) lead me to believe that maybe I had more choice of which cards I could discard.  Maybe I could keep cards between hands?   Why else would you emphasize this rule of no maximum hand size?  Jon and Keala had to tell me this, but you always discard all your cards!! All of them! … just like in the video game.   (to be fair, it is in the rulebook but it is one sentence).  I think that rule is there to show that during your turn you can draw as many cards as you want.  


Another thing that threw me off for a while was the art. I had just gotten a new deck-building expansion for Thunderstone Quest (see art above), and the art and graphic design for Thunderstone Quest (above) is significantly better than the art for Slay The Spire (below).


Comparatively, the art for Slay The Spire is a little anemic after looking at Thunderstone Quest. But I seem to be the only one who doesn’t love the art.  I will admit, the art for Slay The Spire has grown on me a little: it’s very simple and not too busy.  It’s also very readable.  But since I have never played the original video game, I was not as “enchanted” with this art as others.



This is a funny flaw in the game: you can’t (easily) have multiple games going on!  You can save your game fairly easily (putting the appropriate cards in the appropriate slots), so you know you can come back and do another session.  The problem is, if you want to play another game, you can to reset ALL THE CARDS for each deck!!  We worked around it by taking pictures of our decks: if worse comes to worse, we can always use the picture of all our cards (see above) to recreate our save game.   I suspect many people will want to try this game, and we won’t be able to easily have many games going on.  In some ways, this is a product of its own success: it’s so much fun, people want to try it!  But, be aware that a single game is easy to save, multiple games will require taking pictures of all your cards. And also the Unlocks sheet (see below) .. which presents more issues.


Another problem with this game is it’s really unclear how you move on once you play through Acts I, II, and III.  The Ascension decks (see above) add some variety and keep the game interesting, but it’s kind of unclear how this fits in.  Do you start a new game at Act I with the changes?  Do you start a new deck?  To play Act IV, you have to unlock it, but are you playing Act III again and again and again?  Like everything I have seen in this rulebook, I wanted more elaboration!  This rulebook frustrates me!  Give me an example, give me a few more sentences, give me a page!  I have played a solo game all the way through Act III.  What do I do now?  Add Ascension cards? Start over at Act I?  This is very unclear!!!   This is probably my biggest ding against the game: I don’t know exactly how to move forward.  Sure, I suspect I will post to BoardGameGeek and someone will respond, and I will be able to move forward.  But this rulebook does not make it clear how to move forward after Act III. UPDATE: I had lunch with my friend who has played the Video Game.  He told me that in the Video Game, you just reset everything (including you deck) back to ACT I, but make a few cards (like the uncoloreds) available.  I really DID NOT get that sense from the rulebook … another instant where knowledge of the Video Game helped and the rulebook didn’t. 



Honestly, this Slay The Spire board and card game has really grown on me: I have played it solo numerous times, and I have shown it to many diverse game groups. The more I play it, the more I seem to like it!  The upgrade paths makes this game great: there are so many opportunities to augment and upgrade your deck as you are playing!  The fact that each players is so distinct in both powers and upgrades really contributes to how great this game is!


The production is fantastic, and the art is … thematic to the game.  I have grown to appreciate the simple art and graphic design, but I still think the art and graphic design is a little anemic.  


The solo game is great: it’s about an 8.5/10.  It’s easy to play, and there’s really no exceptional rule changes needed to get the solo game to the table.   


The cooperative game is about a 9/10: the base game is all there, with all the upgrade and augment paths, but the cooperation really shines brightly! Players can choose so many ways to help each other with fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order, with Simultaneous Play keeping everyone engaged at all times! And even though these play modes seem mutually exclusive, players seem to weave in and out of Simultaneous Play and PSTO without even noticing! 


Players who know Slay The Spire the video game might find this to be a 10/10 for them: the game is great and also evokes so much atmosphere from the Video Game!  

Over the course of many  play sessions (both solo and cooperative), I ended up liking the game more and more.  There are some issues with the rulebook, as it seems to assume players know Slay The Spire Video Game pretty well! Other than my issues with the rulebook, the game is great.  Putting everything together, this feels like a 9.5/10 as an overall production!  This game surprised me how much I liked, especially given my anti-Rogue-lite tendencies.

Cooperative Hacking: A Review of Hacktivity


Hacktivity was a game on Kickstarter back in June 2022: see link here.   This is a cooperative hand management game for 1-4 players.  It originally promised delivery in February 2023, but didn’t deliver to my house until late April 2024: this makes it over a year late!  


I was originally a little concerned about this game because at some point there was a Kickstarter update saying they lost their manufacturer! I was worried that this meant we might never see the game, but the Hacktivity people persevered and did deliver final copy! I was actually quite impressed with their positive attitude and communication during the Kickstarter! I’ve had a number of Kickstarters recently with poor communication and it was nice to see someone owning every step of the process!


Let’s take a look!

Unboxing and Gameplay


This is a fairly standard sized box (“about” the size of  a Ticket to Ride sized box): see Coke can above for perspective.


In this game, each player takes on the role of a special hacker. See the four decks above.


Each hacker has their own board as well: see the boards above.


Each hacker’s deck is different and has a different emphasis or/and special powers.  See two such decks above.


The players are interacting with a board (see above) with three separate regions. Notice how nice the plastic components  of each region are! 


This is a game about managing cards.  The purple cards are the virus cards that have bad effects … we’ll dub these the “bad news” cards.  The blue cards are the player cards that keep the bad news (the viruses) under control.  We’ll call the blue cards the “good news” cards. See above.


The leftmost board (yellow) keeps track of activity: you move the leftmost yellow cube up as a “bad news” as the games plays.  If all yellow cubes make it to the top (see above), players lose!  


The middle board (blue) is a place where you can “isolate” viruses that come out.  This isolation defers their effects and makes you deal with them later.


The right-most red board keeps track of “the strange bug”: this is usually what you are trying to keep under control.  In the first game, you need to keep the “strange bug” in the white area to win.


In order to win, players (usually) need to make it through all of the bad news cards (purple cards) and all of their own cards (blue) without losing! See above, a winning game!  All bad news (purple cards) are in the discard! And “the strange bug” was kept under control in the white zone!


What’s interesting about this game is that every turn presents a lot of choices!  The first choice: how many bad news (purple) cards do you take and how many good news (your character cards) do you take?  See above as we choose two good news (ArTeMis) and one bad news (A1).  You have to work your way all the way through both decks eventually, so you can’t always take more good than bad! You have to balance that out!


Once everyone chooses their cards, everybody flips and has to deal with their cards!


Every card offers one of two choices.  For the bad news card above, you can choose the top or bottom: either isolate the virus on the blue board (notice the blue circle on the TOP CHOICE) with hope to destroy it later OR you can destroy it immediately, but pay the full cost on the bottom of the card.

But it’s a choice.


The good news cards (your player cards) are also a choice: the top choice is usually a lesser choice, but with no side effects.  The bottom choice is usually more powerful, but with a bad side effect! On the card above, the upper choice is an attack of 2 on an isolated virus … but no side effect.  The bottom choice is a more powerful attack of 3, but having the side effect of raising the activity (the yellow board).  


Players continue to play until they meet the winning conditions!  Usually, this means playing though all decks (bad news and good news decks) and keeping “the strange bug” under control!


Given that the Kickstarter had to switch manufacturers halfway through, the game has really nice components!  My only major complaint is that I wish the cards were linen-finished: you do handle the cards a lot as you play.  But I liked the art and three-part board works well.




The rulebook is two-sided: one part is in French and the other in English! It’s much less daunting when you know it’s only 12 pages (with the other 12 pages being the French rules).

The game does pretty well on The Chair Test: The rulebook fits on the chair next to me pretty well.  The rulebook is a little bigger than I wanted, but it still stays open.  The font is a little thin and a little small, so it’s a little harder to read than it should, but it still works: this is about a B+ on The Chair Test.


The components are well-labelled. See above.


The Set-up (above) is pretty well documented: this set-up spans two opposite pages, so it’s easy to set-up by just leaving the rulebook open.


The rules are generally pretty good and well notated.


The biggest flaw is that there is no index (boo), but the last page of the book has a nice list of symbols.


I was happy with this rulebook.  This rulebook was obviously a translation, but there were only a few places where that was readily apparent.

Solo Play


So, the game does have a nice solo mode (thanks for following Saunders’ Law)! 


The solo game is NOT playing two characters: basically, you combine the decks of two characters (see above as I play BLASSST!!! and ArTeMis!) and just play that one deck (setting up the rest of the game as if it were a 2-Player game).  I was worried about this solo mode at first … “Is this really different from the cooperative mode?”   And it’s really not.  You just have more cards to play through.   I am surprised I like this solo mode: I usually prefer playing two separate characters with two positions (see Leviathan Wilds from a few weeks ago), but this combined-deck solo-mode worked for me.  


So, the solo game combines two decks and has the solo player become a “cyborg” of those characters (I am taking artistic license here).  See above.


Interestingly, I played my first solo game when I got the game a while ago, but it took a while to interest my friends!  So I had to remind myself how to play with a few more solo games right before I taught them how to play.  I am happy to say that I enjoyed the solo mode more the more I played it.  It’s only a 40-60 minute game! It moves quickly!  And it was easy to remember how to set-up and play.

I liked Hacktivity solo and I liked the solo mode that came with it.

Cooperative Mode


The cooperative mode was easy to teach.  The basic flow of the game is pretty simple once you get the idea.  


I think the least favorite aspect of the cooperative game were the limits on communication.  Strictly speaking, you can’t say much about your hand: you can sort of hint about how much damage you can inflict,  and you can hint at stuff.   As we played, we kind of ended-up slowly moving around this restriction … because it wasn’t fun!  We play cooperative game because we want to talk and interact with our friends: we usually dislike cooperative games with limits on communication. 


There are a lot of little icons in this game as well: that took a little to get our heads around, and the rulebook had to be passed around a little (see above).  After a while, the icons took hold and we could just play: it didn’t take too long (and the little player aid cards helped a lot).


In general, the cooperative game went pretty well, but not great.  The real issue was the limit on communication.  And we get it: sometimes you need that restriction to keep the Alpha Player in check … but we ended up just going around the communication restrictions.

What I Liked


The color-coding scheme worked very well.  The blue section of the board … gets affected by the blue markers.  The yellow part of the board … is affected by the yellow icons.  This was very clear and very well done.  This color coordination really helped move the game forwards, as it appealed to your intuition (“this color goes here”).


The order in which you resolve your good news and bad news cards is players’ choice:  You can even intersperse your card resolutions between players!  You can do good news first, then bad news, or all at once!  It’s players’ choice!! This is fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order at its finest!!  This is where the cooperation shined (shone?) most in this game!  As a group, we had to figure out the order to resolve cards, and we felt clever when we could avoid certain bad news effects by playing these certain orders!  I really really liked how they used Player Selected Turn Order in Hacktivity! It really made the game feel that much more cooperative.


Every card is a choice!  This is great! Every single cards has to be resolved, and you have a choice of whether to take the top or bottom option!  


The game is easy to teach and play quickly. And it’s a pretty quick game at 40-60 minutes. 


We didn’t get into it too much, but there is a campaign here if you want to pursue it.

What I Didn’t Like


This is more of a missed opportunity than a dislke: the backs of the bad news card don’t mean anything (unless it’s a yellow activity card, which happens just a few times). See the A1 and A2 above? They mean nothing useful for gameplay: they only denote which player count decks you are using. Paleo did the wonderful thing (see our review here) of having the back of the cards be a “hint” as to what’s on the front of the card. The A1 and A2 on the backs of the cards above …. don’t really mean anything. They SHOULD give you a hint to “how hard” the bad news is, but they really don’t.

Since you are drawing bad news cards without knowing anything, it makes the game feel a little more random. How many Bad News cards should I draw? I don’t know … I don’t hav a sense of how hard each one is!!! I think a “hint” of some kind would make the game feel less random.


The limited communication rules felt too constraining; they hampered our enjoyment of the game. The best combinations we played in the game where when we could keep the bad news cards from having any effect … and we could only do this if we were more sharing. This game needs an Open Hand rule:

“If you and your friends are comfortable with Open Hand, go ahead and play with all cards showing. Realize that Open Handed may make the game easier, invite analysis paralysis, and/or cause Alpha Players to take over the game.”

Really, this communication limit drop probably dropped by friend’s rating of the game: see below.



I liked Hacktivity! I enjoyed all the choices in the game: choosing how many good news/bad news cards to choose, the order to resolve the cards (fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order), and the choices per card! All of this really made me feel like I was making choices that mattered as I played.


I was be remiss if I didn’t include my friend’s opinions: I liked this more than them. I would give this a 7/10, and suggest we play Open Hand. My friend Teresa liked it ok (no rating), but Sara said “I would give it a 4/10: I liked it okay, but there’s a lot better games to play!” I don’t necessarily agree with her, but you may feel as she does. The main issues for Sara were the lack of Hints on the back of the bad new cards and the stifling of cooperation. The limited communication can be counteracted by playing Open Hand, but the lack of hints can make the bad news feel too random and I am not sure what we can do about that.


I would be happy to teach this to you: I think Hacktivity is a quick and easy game to teach/learn and it promotes a lot of choice.  The solo game was fun and the cooperative game was fun once we added Open Hand.

Union City Alliance: Heroes Unite! Like Marvel Legendary, but Now With More Theme! A Review


Union City Alliance is a cooperative super-hero deck-building games that was originally on Kickstarter back in March 2021.  The game looked great and promised delivery in October 2021! I was so excited for this game that Union City Alliance made the #1 spot on my Top 10 Anticipated Cooperative Games of 2022!


Unfortunately, the game is about 2.5 years late: The game arrived at my house April 30th, 2024! It’s basically been 3 long years since I backed the Kickstarter.


Interestingly enough, I was never worried that this wouldn’t finally arrive.  The designer would do a pretty decent job of keeping us updated (with Kickstarter updates): he would offer full timelines of delivery and discussions of progress.  I was grumpy that Union City Alliance was 2.5 years late, but at the end of the day, the Kickstarter was well-run … and they delivered!

Let’s see what we got!



The base game is about the size of a Ticket to Ride sized box: see above with a Coke can for perspective.


The rulebook is the full-size of the box on top!


There’s a lot of punchouts; these are just handy tokens to keep track of Heroism and other resources (Valor, Speed, Might).  Interestingly, the Heroism and Damage tokens, which persist between rounds, are circular tokens.  The Valor, Speed, and Might tokens, which evaporate between rounds, are square tokens.   Even though the game never calls this out, that subtle consistency (persistent vs. ephemeral) was a nice touch.


Also included is a source book;  It has both set-up for various scenarios and tons of flavor text and back story for the heroes and villains: see below.



There are a TON of pre-punched standees that are both the Villain and Hero markers.   See above.


There’s also a GIANT (see can of Coke per perspective above) pile of Locations!  These Locations come out slowly as the Heroes explore the city!


But, this is cooperative deck-building game.  So, at its core, this game is all about the cards. When you first open the box, it’s a little daunting to see so many cards!


From an initial Unboxing perspective, this game looks great! 



I feel like this needs to be a new phrase: uncardening.  It’s the event when you have take a lot of  cards out of a new game box and sort them appropriately.  But it’s not just sorting: it’s about collecting together “like” cards, figuring out where the cards go in the box, and making sure they are ready to go for play!

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Basically, we had to do the same thing in Earthborne Rangers: go through the cards, sort them, put like cards together (for some notion of “like”), and figure out where they go in the box.  See above.   Earthborne Rangers had a fairly grumpy uncardening (see our review of Earthborne Rangers here): the components page was misleading, and we spent far too much time trying to uncard the game.


I almost think that the word uncardening (which is a word we coined for Earthborne Rangers) has a negative connotation: it implies you have to spend an extraordinary amount of time putting cards in order.  


I remember when I first got Legendary: A Marvel Deck-Building game some 10 or so years ago.  It has the worst box opening experience I have ever had!  I just have tons of cards and no idea how to put cards together!  The rulebook is completely silent on how to sort!  As a gaming nubie at the time, I asked my friend John N. to help me (because he had Legendary), and with his help, I was able to put things together.  The phrase uncardening applied to Legendary, it applied to Earthborne Rangers, and unfortunately, it now applies now to Union City Alliance

If you think all deck-building games need a negative uncardening, I suggest you look at the Aeon’s End series of games! They do an amazing job of making the uncardening (in a good sense) easy.  See our review of Aeon’s End and Aeon’s End: War Eternal here, and Aeons’ End: Outcasts here!


The first two pages of the rulebook … DO NOT address how to take the cards apart, sort them, put like cards together, and fit them back into the box.  I am actually annoyed by this: The Union City Alliance rulebook wasted two very large pages (see above) with huge fonts for credits and an introduction.  I am all for getting credit, but I was very annoyed at these designers because it was so hard to uncard their game!  They SHOULD HAVE used those two pages for something useful: how to uncard the game!


A simple question: why is there a Playable Hero and a Team-up Hero for Wrangler?  See above. Which cards for Wrangler go where? This is an easy concept (once you know it) that should have been presented on those first two pages.


And it takes some knowledge of board games (and perception) to know to look in the lower right corner of the card: the Wrangler cards are the W!  See above!


Once you start looking around some more, you’ll notice there is a manifest on the back of the dividers!  Yay!  They list both the number and the card title (good job!).  


I am SO GLAD they have both the title and the card number on the manifest!  The card number on the cards are SO SMALL as to be almost unreadable!!  I had to zoom in pretty heavily with my phone in the picture above to see the #2 Captain Jupiter card!  But having the titles on the manifests helped.


There’s just a lot of cards.   I probably spent about an hour and half, maybe two hours uncardening this game.  It really shouldn’t have been this much work, and it really shouldn’t have been so cumbersome.  The cards are well-labelled, but throwing someone at the game without any directions is a misstep.  I am an experienced gamer (now), so I was able to get through this, but I worry a newbie will just give up in disgust trying to uncard this.


But, everything is labelled (once you know where to look: bottom right, and the divider manifests) so you can get there.  And once everything is back in the box, it’s very satisfying. See above.   This lack of uncardening direction may be the biggest misstep in the entire game: the uncardening just needed a little bit of discussion in the manual.

Rulebook, Er, Play Guide

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This rulebook is gigantic, being the same size as the box.


How does this rulebook do on The Chair Test?  Unfortunately, it gets a D on the Chair Test.


It is almost impossible to have this on the chair next to you spread open because it was so big!  It does have lots of good pictures and good font, but it was almost unusable on the chair next to me.


However, this game has spawned a new test: The Two-Chair Test.  If you put two chairs together (see picture above), you can have the rulebook open and readable without taking up valuable table space!  So, the rulebook gets a A in the Two-Chair Test (a second tier test) So, the rulebook lays flat, the fonts are big and readable, and I can read it easily from my chair.  In the end, The Chair Tests are all about keeping the rulebook(s) off to the side so I can look stuff easily and not take up valuable table space!


I have to admit, I was a little non-plussed to learn that this wasn’t the full rulebook! It was only the Play Guide!  See above: “… but it is only a quick reference...”. You have to go to the website for a full rulebook.  It’s cool they have all this on the website (FAQ, full rulebook, etc), but at the time I went there, the web site wasn’t up yet! See below.

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At the time of this writing, however, the web site is up.  But, I had to play using only the Play Guide!


Once you get past how HUGE this rulebook, pardon me … Play Guide  … is, it’s pretty good at getting you into the game.  I don’t usually like thematic fonts for rules (see our review of Hour of Need here and Obliveaon here), but it works here.  I think I like it because it’s a very big font, and it’s peppered with a lot of supporting pictures and colors: see above.  


There’s no Index to the Play Guide (boo), but there is a Glossary (yay)!  See above, In fact, the Glossary seems very complete; it covered just about everything that came up when I played.


Once we got going with the two chairs and through the uncardening, the Play Guide was pretty good at getting me set-up: there were lots of pictures, lots of flavorful text, lots of helpful annotations.

I am still annoyed I didn’t get the full rulebook.  I look at computers all day; the last thing I want to do is look online for full rulebook for a board game.  The Play Guide has been “good enough”, so I have been just pushing forward with that.  I haven’t needed the web site … yet.



Union City Alliance is a cooperative super-hero deck-building game.  That tells you a lot about this game already!  See our Top 10 Cooperative Deck-Building Games for more discussion of deck-building games!


Each player chooses a hero to operate: that player gets the Playable Hero deck for that character: see above as Player One chooses Captain Jupiter.


An interesting thing that Union City Alliance does is the cards are divided into two groups: your initial deck (with the 0 in the upper right corner) and the Power deck (with the green in the upper right corner).  See above.   Power cards are separated out, and only that player can buy those Power cards later in the game, using the (green) resource Heroism.  It’s a real neat way of keeping each character very distinct, as each character has their own set of Power cards!


So, when you set up, you have your normal intro deck and your Power deck “tempting” you with some cards you can buy! See above as Captain Jupiter sets-up with two Power Cards available to buy, with her initial 5 card hand at the bottom.


Each card can be played for Resources! The three main resources are Valor (blue), Speed (yellow) and Might (red).  See the Plucky Interns above giving 1 Valor! Valor is generally the resource used for buying Hero Upgrade cards!


You need at 2-4 characters to play: see above as Doctor Tomorrow and Captain Jupiter are set-up!


One of the curious things this does as a deck-builder: you don’t usually get upgrade cards you can buy unless you go exploring!  As you explore the city, more Hero cards come out that you can buy!  This is different from other deck-building games like Legendary and Dominion and Aeon’s End where there’s just “9 types of cards to buy!”.  See an example from Aeon’s End below.


As you explore Union City, new cards come out: see below.


Every time you explore a new Location, two new Hero cards come out! (And a City Card, which is typically Bad Newsish).

This is interesting, as it forces the player to explore and look around to get upgrades.  There’s no “set set” of upgrades: you get what you get as you explore!  And you can only buy (generally) Hero Cards from the Location you are on!  This is a nice and thematic twist on the deck-building genre.


To win, players must take out the baddies!  See above which represents “the bad guys!’  The bad guys in Union City Alliance are pretty complicated to run: there’s a Peril deck, a Plot deck, issues #1-4 of the Plot Deck, and specialized baddies (Mobsters and Gangsters in this case).   To win with Pterano-Don and the Dino-Mafia, players must defeat all the Mobsters!


It’s quite hard to take out the Mobsters!


The city has to be big enough for the Mobsters to come out (a rule requires that), so that also forces the exploration aspect!  See above as the city is pretty huge with one of the Mobsters looming!


To win, take out all the Mobsters! As I took them out, I put them in “jail” on top of the box! See above!

Solo Play


Unfortunately, there is no provided solo mode in the game!  See above, as the game is only listed for 2-4 Players.  


It’s very discouraging that they didn’t follow Saunders’ Law here:  no solo mode!  So, I went ahead and played my first game two-handed solo.  That’s right, I operated Doctor Tomorrow and Captain Jupiter and just played this as if it were a 2 Player game, alternating between the two.


I think I know why they didn’t include the two-handed solo mode in the game: it’s pretty complicated.  I ended up playing my first game (granted, a learning game) in about three hours.  Each character in the game is very distinct with a very different play-style!  There is a lot of context switching between the characters, as each character has their own specific cards and Power deck that players need to be thinking about!  And the game can get pretty overwhelming as you play: see the picture above near the end of my solo game!  There are a lot of distinct Hero cards and distinct challenges and distinct Locations! 


And the Villains are complicated to play too!  Plot card, Peril Cards, issues, distinct baddies! So, the solo player has to run two characters AND the Villain deck!


See above at the end of my first solo game!  The board is a bit of a mess between two characters, the villains, the Locations, and all the cards!  

I can see why the Union City Alliance people chose to avoid the two-handed solo mode: this game is very overwhelming in solo mode!  My first solo game took about three hours to play! It probably wasn’t the best way to learn the game, but I believe in trial-by-fire for learning games: the only way to learn is to jump in!  So, I think, if you are determined, the two-handed solo mode will work. And once you learn the game, the basic flow is pretty straight-forward.

Cooperative Mode


My second game was a two-player, two character game!  I learned quite a bit in my solo game: things to do and NOT to do!


First, I learned to allocate signficantly more space for the Locations!  See above as I leave half the table for that!


I also learned to be more methodical when placing Locations: each Location (when explored) adds Two Hero cards and one City Deck card.  Since space is at a premium, we tried to make sure the two City Cards are on the bottom half, and the City Card (whether a challange or a Bad guy) is on the top of the Location.  Since each Location also has a unique ability, we made sure that text was readable!  So, there are four things you need to see on a Location: let’s make sure they are consistent and readable as we place!  That makes the game … less messy … as the city gets explored!


See above as the city is a little less daunting as we have more space and the layout is a little more consistent.


Even though each player runs their own character, which tends to make the players more isolated turns, Union City Alliance still encourages cooperation.  Players have to work together figure out how to take out certain monsters and challenges to clear the way to take out the Mobsters!  The game ramps up in difficult pretty quickly, and some coordination between the heroes is necessary to keep the badness under control.


I liked the solo game, but the game is better at two or more: there’s more people to share the responsibility!  Union City Alliance can be very overwhelming (there’s quite a bit of maintenance per round) as solo gamer, but the sharing of responsibilities made this much easier to get through.  Teresa was in charge of The Green Death (that was here hero) and the Locations, and I was responsible for Captain Jupiter (that was my hero) and the Villain decks.  Off-loading some of the maintenance to other players made the game much more fun!  I could play without worrying about keeping the game up!


Solo was fun, but the game is just more fun with more players. I see why they chose NOT to put 1-4 Players on the box.  



This game is dripping with theme!


Each hero is very distinct and plays very differently, representing the sum of their powers!   


There’s a ton of flavor text on the cards, which you can ignore if you like, but it really does draw you into your character.


The Source Book just digs even deeper into each character!  You want back story? You got it!


The Power Decks, which are unique to each character, also contribute to making each character just feel so different and flavorful! 


The Villain deck is quite complicated to run, but is very thematic! The “harder” cards come out in later issues of the game!  There’s quite a it happening per round with the Villain deck, but it is all unique to the Villain .. again contributing to the theme.


The larger than normal standees (especially for the dino-mob) makes the game feel thematic! They are so cool looking!


If you haven’t noticed, just about every card has unique art on it! It’s all the consistent from the same artist and just draws you into the game!


This game has so much theme to it: I’d give it a 10/10 for theme.  The events, the characters, the Locations, the heroes, the art, the standees, the vibe of the game: 10/10.


You do pay a price for this theme, though: from minor costs like flavor text (“Oh man, there’s flavor text on the card I should read“), to annoying costs (“set up the next city Location“), intrinsic costs like understanding you Power cards, to major costs (like running the very distinct Villain decks).  My games of Union City Alliance have run about 2.5 to 3 hours.  Some of that time  is just the sheer maintenance of immersing yourself into this universe.

The Art


I love the art in this game.  It’s pretty clear the art is mostly the product of one artist (Antonio Garica), and I think he just knocked it out of the park!  The art feels very comic-booky and super-heroey.  It’s so thematic and so good.


My only complaint, and this is not even really a complaint …  is that his style might be thought of as too cartoony!  I don’t have any problem with that, but if you saw the game cover in a store, you might this this is a game for younger audiences.  While Union City Alliance is generally family friendly, this is a deep complex game that might be too much for younger audiences.


The age limits of 14+ should absolutely be adhered to (see back of the box), as I think someone who’s just starting in games might think “Oh that game looks cartoony and kinda cute! Let’s get it!”  Union City Alliance is much heavier than the art belies. Caveat Emptor.



If you want theme, you have to pay for it!  If you want a lighter super-hero deck-building game, you should bring out Marvel Legendary: It has your Marvel heroes and is pretty straight-forward to teach.  But honestly,  I always thought the theme was lacking in Marvel Legendary: “Wait, you are buying a team of heroes? What?”  


Union City Alliance is a deck-building super-hero game that has the theme I always wanted in Marvel Legendary.   In Union City Alliance, characters have unique powers, Villains are distinct, exploration/upgrading is both natural and encouraged, upgrades are tailored to your hero, and the art is very consistent and thematic.  


If you want theme, you have to pay for it: Union City Alliance takes longer than many games (2.5-3 hours), has more upkeep per turn, and has more complicated set-up and interactions.   You pay for this incredibly thematic game by having a game that’s more complex.


I want that theme!  Union City Alliance would easily make my Top 10 Cooperative SuperHero Games with a 9/10 and it will probably be near the top spot of my Top 10 Cooperative Games of 2024.  It took about 3 years to get Union City Alliance, but I was totally right to make this my #1 on my Top 10 Anticipated Cooperative Games of 2022!

A Review of Robinson Crusoe Collector’s Edition: from the Perspective of the First Edition


Can you say a game is one of your favorite games of all time if you haven’t played it in five years?


Is it even worse if you have all the expansions and have never even opened them? See the shrink wrap still on my expansions above and below!


Although some might answer differently, I am going to answer with a resounding .. YES! Robinson Crusoe can still be one of my favorite games of all time even though I have all these unopened expansions and I haven’t played it in a while!  It reminds me of a favorite musical album I haven’t heard in years: when I hear it again, it just evokes all the feelings of joy and happiness … even if I haven’t heard it in a while. I still love it!   When I play Robinson Crusoe after five years, I still love it!


Robinson Crusoe Collector’s Edition was on Gamefound a VERY LONG TIME AGO …  and it finally delivered to me in February 2024.   I backed the campaign on March 24, 2021, so it took three years for this to deliver!!!  I know a lot of people who were very very upset with Ignacy (the designer and publisher) over this lateness.   I guess I wasn’t as upset as others, but I also had to wait five years for Sentinels of Earth Prime to deliver, so three years feels like a breeze!


This is a deluxe version/expansion for the game.  If you have the original first edition game (which I do), this is just an deluxified expansion for the game.  Now, the Gamefound claims that this expansion works with the first edition of the game (which I have).  And it …. mostly does.  We’ll discuss that more later.


The expansion box adds some great minis, as well as some deluxified components.  


However, since this was a Gamefound event, they also offered a lot more stuff to expand the game. See above!  We’ll take a look at a little of this below.

Unboxing of the The Big Box


A big box arrived outside my door February 2024.  What’s this?


Still not sure even after opening it … is that a playmat?


Oh ya!  It’s Robinson Crusoe Collector’s Edition! Holy Cow! I forgot that I also ordered the playmat as an extra!  This is literally THE BIGGEST playmat I now currently own!  It takes up more than half the table and is huge … see the pencil and Coke can for perspective.


Inside are also a lot of deluxe additions and expansions to the game. Note: these components do NOT come by default with the Collector’s Edition!  They are stretch goals and just generic add-ons from the original Gamefound event.


I also got upgraded components for the food, wood, and other resources.


There’s some very nice wood dice to replace the plastic dice in the game.


There’s some more cards??? What are these??? See above.


There’s some more minis to expand the already crazy minis we’ll see in second.


And a few other expansions.  To be clear, the Coke and the pencil are there for perspective, they dot no come with the game!


It might be easy to get lost with all this content (I did), but there’s a nice booklet in the box that explains what everything is!

Those cards we didn’t know what they were .. they are described in detail.


In general, everything is described, in some detail! This is something this deluxe edition got right: within the book, they make sure to describe everything that comes in the box … even the Gamefound expansions! It’s too easy to let that stuff lag and say “just look at the Gamefound site” … nope! This explains everything that comes with the game!


One final thing I want to mention: I got the Book of Adventures.  This is one of the nicest spiral bound notebooks I have ever seen.  It essentially collects together all (?) adventures and scenarios we’ve seen for Robinson Crusoe over the year into one volume. This is gorgeous.


This is just all the extra stuff from the Gamefound event! See above.  But, what actually comes in the box: Robinson Crusoe Collector’s Edition?

Unboxing of Robinson Crusoe: Collector’s Edition


The actual box is pretty large!  This is the box you can buy in stores …


It’s taller than my can of Coke!


At the top is the Introductory Campaign Guide!  


This guide looks amazing, but it gets only a C on the Chair Test: Why? Because it hopelessly flops over the edges of the chair next to me… see below.


Underneath that is the content guide we saw earlier … 


Under that is some cardboard pieces: the volcano and some tokens.

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But what everyone wants to see are the minis!!


These are the sundrop minis … that I paid way too much for.  But they look cool.



Most of the minis replace the two worker placement tokens.


Underneath the minis are some space.


The players boards in the box replace the original player boards: they are 3 level boards and look fantastic!


The rest of the box is pretty empty … it holds a few mini expansions and cards.


Basically, this box is supposed to replace and hold all of your original Robinson Crusoe content.


You can see everything in (and not in) the box above!  This is a really nice expansion.

The Case of the Missing Monkey

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Those of you paying attention might notice the missing mini in the upper right of the mini box.  Did I lose a mini when I unpacked it?  Did the publisher forget a mini?

Turns out the missing mini is a Monkey … that I had to specially order.  I didn’t just get it.  Supposedly, they publisher will offer the mini on the website after the fulfillment is done.

See this Board Game Geek thread here about the Case of the Missing Monkey!

First Edition


To be clear, I have the original first edition of Robinson Crusoe which came out in October 2012. See above and below: it’s not exactly the best organized. But I played the heck out of this solo over the years!

The rulebook for the first edition worked for me, but a lot of people complained about it .. they also wanted to upgrade the game as well. So, the second edition of Robinson Crusoe came out: it had a much better rulebook as well as numbered the cards on certain decks and other things.


Now, I backed the Collector’s Edition because the publisher said “it does support the first edition!”  And they are mostly right.   The real issues come up when playing the Introductory Campaign; These issues are three-fold:

  1. The cards in the original First Edition are NOT numbered: a lot of the set-up instructions refer to cards numbered xxx-yyy.  Luckily, they also list all the cards, so this isn’t a deal breaker.
  2. Some cards are missing.  A few cards that the tutorial refers to are simply not in the first edition.
  3. Some cards are relabelledThe Cure is labelled something else … the card is there but has a different name in the First Edition.

We’ll address each of these in more detail when we discuss the tutorial, but other than that, the Collector’s Edition did work with the First Edition. To be fair, none of these issues made the game unplayable, but you do have to be flexible.

The Introductory Campaign


The most interesting thing to come in the Collector’s Edition (besides the minis) is the Introductory Campaign Scenario Book.   This is basically a 4-scenario long campaign that slowly brings you into all the rules of this big complex game called Robinson Crusoe!  It’s basically a very guided tutorial to get people playing.

The campaign starts very simple, showing off some of the base rules.  Every new scenario in the campaign builds on the previous rules until the last game is a “full” game of Robinson Crusoe!

Over the course of March 2024, I played through one scenario a week (solo) until the end of March 2024.

Scenario 1: Warm Welcome To Tamatoa


Scenario 1: Warm Welcome to Tamatoa from the campaign doesn’t use the main map.   It uses the actual campaign book: see above and below.


This particular scenario is a very very abbreviated version of the rules. I figured since I was an experienced player that I’d walk right through this: nope!  it’s actually a nice little puzzle.  I had to play it twice to win!

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You’ll also note that I forgot to use the minis for the workers in my first game: I used the original wood disks.  I know, how did I miss that???


In my second game (after losing the first), I did use the minis.  Look how nice they look!


This is a real nice way to ease people into the Robinson Crusoe game.  This first scenario was a fun little puzzle.  


My only real complaint was the that I had to go looking for cards #1-#3 for the Event Deck .. but remember that the First Edition doesn’t have the Event deck cards numbered! Luckily, the card names  were listed so I could just hunt for the right cards: Vertigo, Fight, Memories of the Cruise.

But in general, this first scenario is a great way to get people into Robinson Cruose.

Scenario 2: Which Way The Wind Blows?


My second game didn’t start off great. Why?  You build the Event Deck with cards #5-#8 (Loss of Hope, Bear, Body on the Beach, and Despondency) … and there is no Despondency card in the First Edition!!! See this Board Game Geek thread for more details.


In the end, I just picked a random card from the Event Deck (Fight) and moved forward. 


You’ll note, of course, that I put a sticky note in my scenario book describing the issue (so I don’t have the “rediscover this issue” in the future).  

After getting through this rather aggravating issue, I was able to play the second Scenario: Which Way the Wind Blows without any further issue. 

The second scenario also uses the map in the scenario book and just builds on the rules from Scenario 1.  It worked well, despite sometimes having to page through both the rules for Scenario 1 and 2 (as the rules from Scenario 2 build on the rules for Scenario 1).

Scenario 3: Looking For Answers


Unfortunately, we also ran into set-up issues for Scenario 3: Looking for Answers.  The Medicine Invention card is called Cure in the first edition … so it’s there, but if you don’t see that right away, you could be looking around for quite some time!  Also, there are no Poisonous Spores card: I just used Poison.  Again, I noted the issues on stickies so I could replay this again without issue.


Again, because the cards aren’t numbered, I had to go searching for Mystery Cards …


And Adventure cards.  Luckily, everything was labelled but remember … there are no numbers on the cards in first Edition!!

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It’s here at Scenario 3 when then full map comes out!  That’s right, the game starts to really flesh out and start to feel like a true Robinson Crusoe game: Inventions are out, Risky Actions are out, and Mystery cards are out!


I ended up keep the instructions on the right, with the full mat on the right.


The game really starts coming alive in this Scenario as you are exploring and look for Treasure Chests!


Scenario 4: Lords Of Fog


Finally, by Scenario 4: Lord of Fog, you are playing the full game!   There’s no special set-up of the cards (thank Goodness!) so no issues from the First Edition come up!


In game 4, you add hunting mechanics and the weather dice back into the game.  By this point, you are fully invested in this adventure and want to see it through!


It’s a bit of  table hog at this point, as I need to have the mat and rules and original box on the box (for components).


I will also say that this game really tested me: I should have lost.


My last round needed two build actions to win … “I have this in the bag…” until the Strong Winds Event came out!  “What??? I can’t build because I don’t have enough actions???? I’m screwed!!”


I needed to get some characters on Brew to win, but I also needed to build some things!  


In the end, I figured out a very clever way to get what I needed!  It was such a trying moment to feel I had come all that way just to lose because of Strong Winds!  


I think this is just a testament to how strong this game is: there’s so much choice you can usually do something interesting and useful in response to bad news.


What a blast! 



By far, the worst thing about the Introductory Scenario was the set-up: between First Edition problems and just so many components and books, I was struggling to keep everything in reach and organized as I set everything up.


The reason this took me a month to play was that each Scenario really took it’s time to set-up and tear-down.  I mean, I guess Robinson Crusoe has always had that problem to a certain extent, but it seemed more pronounced this time.


Other than that issue, I think this Introductory Campaign is a great way to get people into Robinson Crusoe! I am … or I used to be … an experienced Robinson Crusoe player, and I had fun playing the abbreviated versions of the game.



Do you really need the Collector’s Edition of Robinson Crusoe?  Nah, not really.


There is so much content out there for Robinson Crusoe that you probably would want to get first: both Mystery Tales and Voyage of the Beagle have tons of stuff for you to do.


But if you love the ideas of amazing minis (especially as your worker pieces) and a really well-designed intro, then maybe this is for you!  I feel like the introductory scenario(s) got me to fall in love with Robinson Crusoe again.  


It’s hard to recommend the full Collector’s Edition (which has the base game and minis and intro) because it’s a lot of money, especially if you don’t know if you like the game!  But if you know you like the game and want to jump into this world, it’s a very cool place to start!


 If you are like me (with the First Edition) and like the game, there is a way to get the “minimal” Collector’s Edition which just has the new stuff.  Although First Edition has its own problems, I am still happy I got this.   It’s breathed new life into my Robinson Crusoe and reminded me how much I like the game … and isn’t that the purpose of an expansion?

Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles Review


I love Set A Watch! The Set A Watch system is a cooperative dice-placement/selection system for 1-4 players and plays pretty quickly in 60 minutes. The original Set A Watch came out in 2019 (see our original review here) from a Kickstarter: see the box cover below.

Set A Watch: a cooperative fighting game: protect the campfire!

We loved the original Set A Watch so much it made the Top 10 Cooperative Games of 2019 and our Top 10 Cooperative Dice Games! This is a cooperative game we could bring to game groups … and both lighter and harder gamers seemed to like it! See box above.


Then, the Set A Watch people (Rock Manor Games) had another Kickstarter for Set A Watch: Swords of the Coin. See above. It arrived at my house in 2021 and was in my Top 10 Cooperative Expansions of 2021! Set A Watch: Swords of the Coin is a standalone expansion which you can combine with the original Set A Watch or play by itself! It makes the game slighly more complex (but with slightly more options) by offering a coin system that allows you to buy items! See below.


Now, what we’re talking about is the latest in this line! Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles is the latest standalone expansion in the Set A Watch world! This was on Kickstarter and our Top 10 Anticipated Cooperative Games of 2024! It arrived at my house very early April 2024 and I was so excited!


This Kickstarter actually had two things it delivered: the standalone Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles and Set A Watch: Doomed Run.  We hope to talk about Doomed Run in a few weeks: it’s a big campaign!


Let’s see what comes in the Deluxe Edition of Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles!

Unboxing and Gameplay


Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles is a pretty small game box: see Coke can above for reference.


There’s a surprising amount of stuff that fits in the box, considering how small it is!

To be clear, the cover/magnetic clasp of the box is part of the board used in the game.


This is first and foremost a cooperative dice placement/action selection game: the dice take center stage in this game   The dice are well-labelled and easy to read (especially compared to the first edition where the dice weren’t quite as nice).


There must always be four characters in play: the players select four from the six above.


Each character gets 3 dice: which ones?  These are clearly notated on the top of the character! Note that the Golem gets the 3 12-sided dice (see above and below).


Each character also starts with 3 of the 5 ability cards in play (with 1 starting disabled).  During the game, players can swap out their abilities for different ones.


Like we said, there must always be 4 characters in play!  See above as each character has their dice and abilities (with the extra abilities in the wings).


This game has an interesting decision to be made every turn: one player must stay back and watch the fire while the rest of the group ventures out to fight the baddies!  Each character must stay back twice, as indicated by the little camp tokens above (1 for first time, 2 for second time).


So, one character will do “campfire duty”, stoking the fire, checking the maps and a variety of actions: basically the board serves as the dice placement portion in the campfire phase (see below).



The rest of the characters go out and fight the line of creatures!


The dice can be used for their value to straight-up defeat a monster, or a dice can be placed on an ability to invoke it.  See as the Sorceress uses a d8 for Rekindle ability above.


Note you can only see a few of the monsters in line: it depends on the level of the fire.


After you (hopefully) defeat all the monsters in line, you travel to the next location!

To win, you need to make it to the final location!  There are 9 locations in total, where the very last location has everyone fighting the final line of monsters!




The rulebook is pretty good.


It gets about a B on the chair test: the font is pretty good sized, and I can see it on the chair next to me, but I have to either hold it open (see above) or I have to bend it back so it stays (see below).


I don’t love having to break the spine of the rulebook to keep it open: it feels “wrong” to have manually fold so hard!


In general, this rulebook is pretty good.  They have pictures when needed for set-up and components.


And I used the back of the rulebook for the Round Overview quite a bit.

Good rulebook, but I should hope so: they’ve had three chances to perfect it!

Other Touches


There’s a lot of other nice touches in the game: like Set A Watch: Swords of the Coin, players (as a group) can accumulate coin to allow them to buy useful stuff.  Take a look at our review of Set A Watch: Swords of the Coin for more info about the coin/merchant mechanism!  It’s basically the same idea here.


The new idea in this version of the game is the Doom Tokens: they sound more complicated than they are! If you get 4 Doom Tokens, you really just put stuff into the Horde and bring out Unhallowed a little quicker.  It’s just slightly more fiddly.

Solo Play


Just like Set A Watch (the original) and Set A Watch: Swords of the Coin, in order to play solo, the solo character must play 4 characters!  See above! (So it does follow Saunders’ Law: there is a viable solo mode)


I think I was more cautious about the solo game having four characters in my earlier reviews, but after playing through this game for years, I think it is a great way to play.


Although nominally the game takes 60 minutes to play, I found myself taking 90 – 120 minutes to play solo!  Why? Because each character is complicated and has a complicated set of abilities.  So, if you enjoy thinking a lot, trying to asses the situation with no one breathing down your neck, I think this is a great solo game!  Just be aware that the solo game will probably take 1.5-2x longer to play because there’s so much context switching between characters and abilties.

I think I have really warmed up the solo mode with 4 characters here in Set A Watch. But you have to understand that I have a lot of familiarity with the game after three iterations of it!  I still think the solo mode might be too much for the novice player coming into this … especially since Forsaken Isles is probably the most complex of the three Set A Watch games.

Cooperative Play


My group played the best way to play this cooperatively: 4 players, each with one character.  Honestly, that’s by the far the best way to play this cooperatively.  Each player plays their own character!! That’s usually the funnest way !


I will say that 3 players isn’t that bad in this game because one player must always stay behind to tend the fire anyways … that makes it so the three players can all fight the monsters together, each with their own character!  It does “rotate” the characters a little more, but it’s still very doable.

And it’s not  big deal to have two players operate two characters each.  After all, the solo player has to do four characters … what’s two after that???


There’s many ways this game promotes cooperation:

  • The coin is shared, so player must decide as a group what to buy from the Merchant
  • This game use Player Selected Turn Order (fine grained, see discussion of PSTO here) so that players must work together to discover the best order to use their actions!  “If Teresa goes first, she can take out the baddie at the front of the line! Then I can go!”  These decisions permeate every moment of the game and keep the players talking and engaged
  • Players must decide, every turn, who stays back.  The game forces everyone to stay back twice, so everyone has stay back and mind the fire: who makes the most sense?  That’s an interesting discussion every turn!

Overall, this is a fantastic cooperative game.

Which One?


There are literally three standalone sets of Set A Watch: if I am interested in the game, which one do I get?  

  • If you are a newer gamer, the original Set A Watch is probably the simplest, as it doesn’t have any of the newer mechanisms (like coin/merchant or doom tokens). 
  • If you are a seasoned gamer, you can’t go wrong with either Swords of the Coin or Forsaken Isles: they both have a more mechanisms in the game (both have the coin/merchant), but nothing too overwhelming.  
  • The latest, Forsaken Isles, is probably the most complex of the lot (because it has the Doom tokens), but honestly, it’s not really that much more.

Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of them.



I love Set A Watch, and I am glad to see this new standalone expansion Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles!  It stands alone as a great game, or you can use the monsters and/or characters in here to expand any of your previous Set A Watch games!


The dice placement mechanism is unique and simple!  It’s easy to explain and tends to suffer less from randomness as the dice can be used for their number or to activate an ability!  Which is better: the number or the ability? You choose!


Even though I have grown to love the solo mode, I understand that a 4 character solo mode can be very daunting.  Once you embrace it (and double the length of the game), this can be a very satisfying puzzle for the solo player!


But I think Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles really shines as a 4-Player cooperative game (and to a lesser extent, 2 and 3 player).  The fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order, the decisions when to stay back, and the decisions when to buy all keep the players engaged as they play.


Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles gets 8.5/10.  I love this game: I’ll play it solo anytime! And I have had great luck with this game in my game groups!  People seem to enjoy the simplicity of the dice placement here.

Does It Spark Joy? A Review of Spark Riders 3000!


Spark Riders 3000 arrived at my house in the USA on Saturday, March 16th 2024. This is a cooperative game for 1-4 players about flying a spaceship … but trying not to blow up! Players work together to keep a ship operational as they try to deliver some packages, but asteroids, nebulas, bad guys, space pirates, and other wacky things conspire against the players!


This was originally on Kickstarter back in September 2022.  It has already delivered to most of the world, but we here in the USA are just getting the game.  It promised delivery in November 2023: it’s 6 months late, but in Kickstarter-land, that’s not too bad … at least they delivered!


The version we got from Kickstarter was the Commander Version which is the deluxe version (with lots of plastic instead of cardboard standees).  We also got the Prosperity Box (which has 2 new characters and some really nice tokens we’ll see later).

Let’s take a look!



Spark Riders 3000 is a pretty standard sized box.


See the #2 pencil and can of Coke for scale above.

The component for this game are just gorgeous and brightly colored and easy to read!

The cards are all brightly colored and easy to read as well! See above.


The plastic minis (in this Commander Version) are just so neat!

The dice and other tokens are also quite nice!


Honestly, this game looks like a big, brightly colored toy!  It has very nice components!



Like the components, this rulebook is big and bright and easy to read.


It gets about a B on the Chair Test: it flops over a little too much, but at least the text is all bright and fairly easy to read with a big font.

Unfortunately, the component section (on the first page above) is not great: there is no picture of the components, just a list.  So, you have to guess what everything is.  It’s not a big deal, but it is annoying.


The set-up pages (above) are very nice:  they are well annotated and very clear!  Good job!


The rest of the rulebook is quite nice: it’s well laid-out, pretty easy to read and pretty easy to look stuff up.

I would almost complain that the rulebook is too “colorful” (see composite above) because all the color and pretty pages can distract from just reading the rules. I don’t know why I am complaining about this … it’s dumb to complain about that when the rules are quite well done. But all that overload of color is a little distracting.


There is no index. Sigh.


But the last back page is a very useful quick summary.

This was a good rulebook overall.  I wish they had an index, but generally it wasn’t too hard to find rules when you needed to look them.  The lack of annotated components was easy to get over, but it was still annoying with such a (generally) good rulebook. I suppose the Tutorial takes care of some of that (see below).

The App


This game requires an App!! You CANNOT play Spark Riders 3000 without an App!  So, I downloaded the the app to my phone.


It’s a little small on my small phone screen …


However, you can see (above) why I switched to the iPad: I couldn’t press the buttons on the very bottom on the screen!  See above. Sigh!!  When I saw this, I then downloaded it my iPad.


It’s actually nicer on the iPad: it’s easier to see everything.


But the I got this message … See above?!?!?!  I cannot use it on either?!??!?!  This is going to be a short review!!


It turns out, even with that message, I could still use the iPad to run the game.  Honestly, the iPad is better because everyone can see it a lot easier!  I am a little grumpy that I struggled with my iPhone and my iPad.  For a very short 5 minutes, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to play the game! (Basically, I was able to press the button … barely … on my phone, and then I found I could still go forward in the game for my iPad.  So either way would work).


I recommend using the iPad if it works for you: it’s bigger and easier for everyone to read.

UPDATE: After waiting a few days, they updated the App, so I don’t have the iPad error messages anymore!  So that’s good!  Unfortunately, the voice recognition is much worse and almost unusable in the most recent version.  Sigh.  Gain one thing, lose another.

Learn How To Play


So, I learned how to play by first watching the animated video …


… and then reading the rulebook.  

Why do both?  I found the animated app useful to introduce a lot of concepts, and show some basic examples, but it wasn’t enough to start playing.


I needed the rulebook to look stuff up.  Caveat Emptor.  Maybe you can just learn it from the Tutorial, but I needed the rulebook.

How To Play


Download the app. Select your heroes!


Each player chooses to play one of five characters (there’s two more characters in the Prosperity Box).  Each player has a special ability, basically helping him do one of the 5 major actions just a little better:

The major actions are Pilot/Shoot/Tinker, Move, and  Help.


Each character also has some special Help actions specific to their character.


We used the upgraded Help tokens from the Prosperity Box, but there are also cardboard help tokens. See above.


Basically, on the player’s turn, they can each do exactly three things: Move, Help, and “Perform Action” (Pilot/Tinker/Shoot).  The cool thing is that this is fine-grained Player Selected Turn Order!  That’s right, each player can intersperse their three actions amongst each others actions! For example: Nova can move, then Igor can Help, then Igor can Move, then Nova can Help, then Nova can Perform Action, then Igor can Perform Action!  This allows the characters to more easily support each other, as they can break up their turns any way they want!


Players move around the ship, trying to position themselves to do major actions!  For example, Igor (above) can Pilot as his major action because he’s in the cockpit!  Nova can move three to end up at the laser and shoot!


This game is all about trying to decide when to repair parts of your ship, when to build weapon and their upgrades, pilot as fast you can to complete the missions, while fighting spaceships off the left and right sides of the ship!


See above as Nova can operate the cannon to fire at the Grey Alien!


All the major actions in this game involve dice, but the color coding is pretty clear!  Piloting actions require the green dice, Shooting requires the red ice, Tinkering (repairing/upgrading) requires the blue dice, the orange dice are for armor-breaking rolls, and the Black Dice are for armor checks.


After you do a check, you will tell the app what you rolled! Click on the little Robot Icon and say “Speed Piloting Level 3!” (if you rolled three successes on a pilot roll), and the app will respond with what happens!


My first game, the app worked pretty well: I was able to tell the app something, and it seemed to recognize everything just fine!


My second game (after I upgraded the App, only a few days downloaded the original app), the voice recognition stopped working, so I had to use the manual system (inside the app) to specify my dice rolls.  This was very annoying, but at least the system allowed me to continue and still enter the information.


Basically, each game has a mission to complete: it specifies what you have to do and the flight you have to take.  You have to decide when to run, when to repair, and when to fight in the game!

Solo Game


So, the game does support solo play (Congratulations on following Saunders’ Law: this cooperative game has a viable solo mode!) In this case, it’s very easy: the solo player plays as if it’s a 2-Player game, taking the role of two characters.


In my first game, I played as Igor and Nova: see above.  Igor is better at piloting, and Nova is better at shooting.  


I was able to barely pull off a win in my first game … but I lost part of my ship!


I choose to make a run for it in the end, which caused me to lose a compartment off the ship!  Luckily this thing will fly as long as “most” of the ship is there!  


As I played, I would make rolls and and then tell the app what I rolled.


I would generally try to get Nova to shoot (see her operating the cannon above) as her Shoot special ability gives her +1 success!


Igor piloted when he got the chance, outrunning some of the enemies!


Occasionally, my team would come across aliens, and we’d have to make decisions … Fight them? Give them something?  Out-run them?  There were about 3 to 4 interludes like this, giving us some “Choose Your Own Adventure” type options as we played.


I won my first game … but for some reason, I thought it was just okay.  Why?

Problems With Solo?


Over the course of my first solo game, I think I did the Help action exactly three times, and none of them helped at all!  (The main “Help” is to allow a reroll, and all the rerolls failed).


The main problem with the Help action is

  1. You have to be close to each other to offer Help  (so you can place your help token down).  In a two character game, you have to roam the ship to get stuff done and are very likely not near each other!
  2. The Help actions are specialized per character!  You can only help on certain actions!  “I can help you shoot!  Oh wait, you are tinkering, I am no help…”.  You can always help with a reroll, but you HAVE to take the second roll of a reroll, and sometimes that’s worse!


Remember, you only do three things on a character’s turn: Move, Place a Help Token, or Major Action.  If you can’t place a Help Token anyplace useful, it feels like your Help turn is completely useless!  

I felt very much ennui after playing my first solo game.  Most of the time, I couldn’t do a Help, which means I lost a third of my turn!!

Solo Game Revisited


To make sure this wasn’t an isolated event, so I played a second solo game, trying to concentrate more on helping.  


I did a little more helping, but because the characters tend to be far away from each other, even leaving help tokens laying around to be picked up later still didn’t result in a lot of help!


I think the solo and 2-Player game might not be the best way to play this game: they don’t offer enough opportunities to Help each other! In a game where a third of your turn is offering Help, you can feel very impotent if you can’t offer help!!   I am hopeful that this “can’t help” problem will go away in a 3 or 4-Player game, where players will physically be closer to each other a lot more (and thus have more opportunities to help). See that discussion below …

I am not sure I will play the solo game again. This is partly because of the of Help opportunities, but partly because of the “along for the ride” issue we’ll discuss later.

Cooperative Play


We started the cooperative play (4 players) with the Tutorial video.  The tutoriual worked really well at introducing the team to the game.  It was still helpful that I had read the rulebook, but I was able to shepherd people along pretty quickly.


The cooperative game lasted about 2 hours.


But in the end, the Help actions were MUCH MORE effective in a 4-Player game!  It actually felt like you were helping much more!  That one little detail seemed to make all the difference in making the game fun … With 4 people wandering the ship, it was much easier to help somebody do something on their turn, even if it was just a reroll …


The cooperative game for 4-Players seemed to fix the main problem I had in the 2-Player/Solo game: the Help actions were much more … helpful.

The App


The app needs to be connected to the internet.  That may or may not turn you off, but you should be aware. And the App is required.


The video tutorial in the app was really good at getting everyone into the game quickly.


My friends noted that the App really felt well-integrated into the game! It was very thematic to have a spaceship with a console in the App!  It just seemed like having this on a computer seemed so thematic in a space-based game!


We were still having voice recognition problems in the cooperative game.  We were able to work around them in the app, but it was still annoying.

Along For The Ride


So, after a number of plays, I realized especially in the solo game, that I felt like I was just “along for the ride” a lot of time.   I had no idea what a failed or successful dice roll would do!!  For example, When I piloted well, would I out run the enemy ships?? Maybe?  I had NO IDEA what the odds were!  Was it worth wasting a HELP on Piloting to get that extra +1 for Piloting???  I don’t know!  


I don’t know the odds of a ship coming up, I don’t know what part of the ship it will attack, I don’t know the odds of a Orange ship versus other ships.  Things just kind of happen to you … and you do the best you can!


Some of you are probably saying, “What are you complaining about?  This sounds so cool!  You just fly around like Firefly and make decisions!  You don’t have to worry about computing any odds or looking up charts, you just do stuff and see what happens!!!:

But that’s the thing, that’s not why I play board games.  I like to know what’s going on, what are the odds, should I go for that extra +1 because the difference is huge??  

I felt like I was just along for ride: I would roll dice, tell the app, do a few things and just see what happened.  It felt way too easy to lose just because they bad guys attacked a random part of the ship, or my armor failed, or something else.

There is a lot to like here: it really does feel like an adventure, flying through the galaxy.  But I just felt disconnected from the game (mostly in the solo game) because I didn’t know the odds or have any sense of what a success of failure is. I can see some of this going away if you play the game more and more (and can see the results of your actions), but that’s not what I want to be doing with my time.

Interestingly, a lot of this “Along For The Ride” bad feeling went away when I played the 4-Player game … maybe because I was okay being along for the ride … because I was with my friends?

What I Liked


The production is phenomenal and the game looks like a bright toy!


The app, when it’s working, offers some interesting story elements to help keep the game engaging (both with the story and “Choose your Own Adventure” moments!).


The app feels so thematic because it feels like how you would be piloting a space ship!!


The cards are all easy to read. The color coding system is consistent throughout and makes it easy to correlate pieces and their contributions.


Even when you fail a dice roll, you still get a crystal: if you get enough, you can buy Prosperity tokens in the future!  I like this!  A failure at least offers you the hope of  cool item, so that’s kind of a nice dice mitigation mechanism.  Even though this is a dice game, this mechanism makes it feel much less random.


This really is an adventure where you don’t have to worry too much about stuff: the app takes care of a lot of stuff and you can just sit back and enjoy the ride!


I really liked the colorful rulebook .. even though it didn’t have an index, it was still pretty easy to look stuff up!


The tutorial was very good at giving you a sense of the game.


The game is cooperative and has Player Selected Turn Order (fine-grained), one of my favorite mechanisms in a co-op! You feel that much more involved if you get to pick the order!

What I Didn’t Like


Like I said in the “Along For The Ride” section, I didn’t feel engaged because I had no idea what my dice rolls meant. I just rolled the dice and see what app told me to do. It didn’t draw me in.  Again, this was mostly in the solo/2-Player modes …


The app sometimes worked, and sometimes didn’t.  It looks like they got rid of iPhone vs iPad issue with the latest update, but now my text recognition doesn’t quite work.  I am pretty confident they will address these issues and fix them (because they are obviously still updating it), but it’s something to be aware of.


The lack of Help opportunities in the solo or 2-Player game was frustrating.


The Help actions seemed a little rough.  Since every help token can do different things (you can always reroll, but everybody also has “special” specific help they can give), why didn’t they notate that on the tokens you give?  Then you could SEE ON THE TOKEN what the help actions could be!Have side 1 of the Help token show actions 1 and 2, and have side 2 of the Help Token show actions 1,2 , and 3 (because the helpee has to unlock the third Help action).  This would have help smoothed out the Help action quite a bit …



Spark Riders 3000 is an absolutely joyful design: the components, the colors, the app, all bring you into this world!


If you want a game where you are traversing the galaxy, making quick decisions, and not sweating the small stuff, this is a game for you!  The game is an adventure in space making the right decisions: Fight? Flight? Repair?  Everything do you matters!


Unfortunately, I personally had some trouble with the game because I many times I didn’t have sense what my dice rolls meant.  I would jut roll dice and consult the app … should I have tried harder?  Should I have gone for that extra help?  I didn’t know because I didn’t know what the dice rolls meant.  I’ll be honest, I really think this is just a “me” problem.  This problem seemed to be really exacerbated in the solo/2-Player game.


Cooperatively, this game a is fun romp with your friends!  The main problems I had with solo/2-Player (can’t use Help very often) went away with the higher player counts: you are engaged with your friends and all your help actions all matter! I was much more okay being along for the ride when I was with my friends!


There are some problems with the game, but in general this is a joyous adventure in space!  I probably would objectively give it a 7/10 at 3 Players or 4 players (but maybe only a 5/10 or 6/10 at solo or 2-Player play).  I didn’t love this game, but that’s a me issue: I suspect a ton of people will LOVE LOVE LOVE this game because it’s such a neat adventure.  My friends didn’t see the solo issues I saw, so they only saw the joy of the 4-Player game … so much so that they want to play again.

If this game sounds fun to you, I would suggest only playing at higher player counts: that’s when it sparks the most joy.


Cooperative Rules For Comic Hunters


Comic Hunters is a game originally from Brazil: it took the world by storm as a drafting game with 4 different types of drafting and also Marvel comics covers as the cards (see below)! We really liked it! See our review here!!


This game has been so popular that they translated the rules to English, and it has been selling for $200 or more on e-bay!


After all this popularity, it looks like Arcane Wonders is going to pick up the game in the United States: see here! You don’t have to pay $200 for it anymore!


My only lament was that the game was either solo-only or fully competitive … until now.

Development of Cooperative Rules


These cooperative rules for Comic Hunters have been in development for about 6 months now.  (Let’s be clear: I have no affiliation with any of the developers or companies, I am just a fan of the game).   I’ve had some basic ideas, thrown some away, playtested, tried new ideas, lather rinse repeat …


You can see version 0.9 of my beautiful, hand-crafted Whim cards above.


We’ve been playtesting at 2 and 3 player counts: the current rules only work for a 2 to 3 player cooperative game.  We run out of cards when we try to play 4 players (see why below), so currently the cooperative mode only supports 2 or 3 players.


There’s been quite a bit of playtesting and editing: hopefully you’ll find this something you can enjoy!



Here’s the introduction from the rulebook:

You and your friends have been collecting comics together for years! You love to go to the comic store, conventions, and flea markets together, looking for some rarities.  Sure, there have been some friendly rivalries for comics along the way, but you and your friends love comics.  If only your allowances were bigger, but that makes you appreciate the comics you do have a little more…

Then one day the Jerk comes into your life: he’s an Insufferable Jerk who just ruins everything!  He thinks he knows everything, he thinks his way is the only way to do anything, and he puts down everything about you and your friends.  He just happens to be rich and inserts himself into your groups.  He tells everyone his collection of comics is the best! He is so annoying!

Your job in cooperative Comic Hunters is to get bragging rights over the Insufferable Jerk (sometimes referred to as IJ).  In order to win the game, players must get bragging rights over the Insufferable Jerk in all aspects of comic collecting.  To do this, at least one of the cooperative players must outdo the Insufferable Jerk in every aspect of the game:

   a) Combined, your collections must have more variety than IJ!

   b) From size perspective, at least one player must have more comics of a hero for each hero!

   c) For each highlight, at least one player must beat IJ!

   d) At least one player must have more Secret Stash points than IJ!

As a group, if you can outdo the Insufferable Jerk in every single aspect of comic collecting, you can shut him up! You hope to teach him collecting comics is supposed to be fun, not some sort of power play.

Players work together get the best comic collection they can, as a group.



See above for the version 1.0.0 of the game! (The current version is 1.0.2 in the downloads section: the changes are mostly just very minor clarifications and rewordings). To play cooperative Comic Hunters, you need three things:

  1. A copy of the original game Comic Hunters
  2. The cooperative rulebook:  see the PDF download at the end of post.
  3. The 5 Whim Cards: see the PDF download at the end of the post.

The cooperative rulebook you might want to print, but you can always just look at in online (see below). The 5 Whim cards you must print! They will be “about” 3x5in when you print them.


The cards are all one-sided, so you want to print each card on a separate page and par it down to about 3×5. I used cardstock for mine. The idea is that these cards will go above the comic board:


These Whim cards are the AI that controls how the Insufferable Jerk works.

Feel free to download and try this out! I currently am keeping all rights to this, but I may release this to the public domain later on.



We’d appreciate any feedback!  Problems?  Mistakes?  Please feel free to reach out to us at returnfromsubroutinellc@gmail.com or post on BGG in Comic Hunters section!

See downloads below (remember, you need to download 2 things).

Play An Episode of House! A Review of NYC: Emergency Room (A Medical Mystery)!

Welcome back to Cooperative Surprise Month! This month has seen a surprisingly good cooperative game set in 700 BC called Sammu-Ramat, a “lost” review of Chainsomnia, and a light-and-fun cooperative game called Hissy Fit with the surprisingly weird theme of taking cats to the vet! This week, we take a look at another game with a surprisingly weird theme: NYC: Emergency Room!

NYC: Emergency Room is billed as “A Cooperative Medical Mystery Game” for 1-4 players, Ages 14+. That lower bound of age may seem low or high, depending on who you are, as there are discussions you would want “mature” adults discussing (birth control, the human reproductive system, death, pain, diarrhea). So, be aware that this medical mystery game requires an adult attitude!

NYC was a game I picked up at Target a few weeks ago (early February): I was on the fence about it. On one hand, I love murder mystery games (see our Top 10 Cooperative Detective Games) and escape room games. On the other hand, I generally don’t like medically themed games (too depresssing). Should I pick it up?


Then I remembered how the TV show House was originally billed as a a medical mysteries show. If you don’t know the TV show House, it is basically Sherlock Holmes as a doctor solving strange mysteries, but in the medical field (Get it? “House” & “Holmes” … “Wilson” & “Watson”). The show, while pretty dark, is quite interesting!


In the end, that’s why I picked up the game: “a fun medical mystery like House”. Or at least, that was my hope!



NYC: Emergency Room is a pretty standard sized box. See the Coke Can and #2 pencil for perspective.


The game is really just a bunch of envelopes!  All the components are in one of six envelopes.  


Four of the envelopes are cases for four different patients.  Each one of these is a different case.


There is one envelope that has components every game needs: that’s the Code/Research/Rules envelope. See above.


The first patient, though, is not one of the four envelopes… there’s a tutorial that walks you through your first case: Nurse Judy recognizes you are just starting out, and tries to help you through the process!


It’s kinda cool is that every envelope tells you exactly what’s inside (see above)! I can totally see passing this game onto other people after I am done, so it’s good to make sure each case has everything you need to do it!


Considering this is a game from Target, the quality is actually pretty good for everything (see above for some contents of the first envelope).   It’s surprisingly good how good these components are!



There is a rulebook, but you don’t even start with it.  You start with Nurse Judy’s tutorial pamphlet.  It walks you through your first game, and honestly, it does a fantastic job.


By the time I got through the Tutorial, I don’t think I ever looked at the rulebook!  (It comes in the black Codes envelope).  Seriously, I can’t complain or laud the rulebook because I never needed it.   The pure joy of the Tutorial made the rulebook almost unnecessary.  I may have looked it at once later for a rules clarification, but I’m not sure how much you’ll use it.  Listen to Nurse Judy, and you’ll be fine!

The Tutorial


The tutorial takes you quickly through a simple case with Luana Kapule: see above. IMG_2927

This was very easy to set-up and a very quick game.  I think I got through the Tutorial in about 20 minutes.


Seriously, this is one the best tutorials I have seen in a while.  You see all the things you should do, the things you shouldn’t do, and the game walks you through the playthrough very precisely.  

You know that a Tutorial is good when you don’t think you need the rulebook anymore:  20 minutes in, and I think I know the game.  I call that a successful tutorial!


The game is all about what tests and consultations and medications to administer to a patient over a night (a timeline).  You are measured by, frankly, if the patient survives the night.  You have a sheet that you keep track of everything you do and what time you do it: see above.


As you run tests on your patient, you will get codes to look up in the code book: they tell you what happens: frequently, this means you draw a card from a deck of “how the patient is doing”.  Note: the results of the tests do change as time marches forward!  Gulp! Make sure you run that test at the right time!!


What tests do you run?  Holy cow, all the things you can do or know is presented in about 5 pamphlets brimming with medical information!  See above.  This particular mechanic kind of reminds of Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective. 


Not directly, but the sheer volume of medical information in the game reminds me of the sheer volume of materials in Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective: the maps, the phonebook, the newspapers.  This is a good thing: it really feels like medical mystery! You just have to look in the right place to solve the mystery!


If you can keep the patient alive by running the right tests (remember, tests can be invasive in many ways) and finding the right thing to do (which may be medication or something else), you win!

It goes without saying, but if your patient dies, you lose!

Solo Game: Patient 1


Strictly speaking, my first solo patient was from the Tutorial: but Nurse Judy basically kept me out of trouble, so I don’t know if that counts.


Before I began, I made a copy of the timeline sheet (see above) and left room for notes on the left.  I strongly recommend you do this as well!  First, by making a copy, you can reuse the first case later.  More importantly, I think, is that having the extra space to make notes was a big deal.


You never forget your first patient: mine was Shyla Patel.   


I had to make sure I interviewed her to make sure I knew what was going on.


I was able to do the proper tests and figure out what was going wrong with her.  Along the way, there were places where I could have done “something bad”, but in the end, I kept Shyla alive.


She left the Emergency Room alive and in good health. It was a good day.


Shyla never saw me looking, but my head was buried in these medical pamphlets the entire time.  This is a game about research, it’s a game about following up, it’s a game about what it’s like being a doctor.  (I always wonder if doctor’s do the same thing when we aren’t looking … “What the heck was that?  I gotta look in my pamphlets!”)


It was incredibly engaging, but there was a lot of research, a lot of taking notes (see above) and a lot of reading.  I love that stuff, but some people don’t.  

Why watch an episode of the TV show House when you can just play it? I really enjoyed this game solo.

Cooperative Game


It’s Charlie’s fault I started watching the TV show “House”, so I felt it was apropos that he and Allison play this with me!


Rather than try to explain the game to them, I simply had Charlie and Allison go through the Tutorial.  This was interesting: I am so used to explaining games to people, but I realized this game is just complicated enough that it makes sense to use the Tutorial again!  Rather than teach the game, just play the Tutorial! It really is that good!


After they finished the Tutorial, we encountered Patient 2: Adrian Alexopolous.


The cooperative game was very much like the solo game, but now we have a group of “other doctors” we could bounce ideas off of!  I like this shared responsibility: it’s a little scary to take full responsibility for a patient yourself, and this shared burden made it a little easier to endure.


The burden of taking notes, reading cards, consulting pamphlets also made the game move a little more quickly than the solo game.


Although I liked the solo game, and didn’t have any problem taking the full responsibility of a patient myself, I can see many people bouncing off this!  By having a team of doctors helping each other to help the patient, I can see many people preferring the cooperative mode over the solo mode.  

What I Liked


The Tutorial is fantastic.  It just gets you into the game right way: it’s the best way to teach new players, even if you already know the game!


I like all the medical information available.  I wish the medical pamphlets were bigger books written in a bigger font. I did a lot of reading and research with these!  It felt like the world was large, something to explore, even though I was only reading medical texts.


The mysteries are interesting and engaging.  And the components are great too, especially for a Target game.

What I Didn’t Like


I already said this in the What I Liked Section, but I wish the medical pamphlets were bigger with bigger fonts.  In fact, a lot of these pamphlets had two or three different things in them! I wish they had been broken up a little better … I am sure this is a “it costs money to make big pamphlets” issue, but they would have made it a little easier to use.


In the end, I made copies of the charts/timeline, but it bugged me a little that there weren’t multiple copies of these little sheets: there was only one for each patient!  For multiple reasons (extra space for notes, enabling this patient to be re-used), I strongly advise you to make a copy like I did above!



I really enjoyed NYC Emergency Room and so did my friends.  As long as you don’t have trouble with the theme, mature situations, and potentially life-or-death situations, this is a great mystery game! 


In fact, you could argue that the theme is very engaging because you are making “real” life-and-death situations for a person you meet in the Emergency Room!  Those tense situations may be too much for some people, but if you can handle it, I think it is fantastically riveting!


Allison gives this a 8/10, Charlie says it’s a “Solid Game” (I couldn’t get a number out of him).  I think I am right with Allison: this a 7.5/10 or 8/10 for me.  My hesitancy comes only the theme being potentially being very divisive: “I don’t want to be a doctor right now, that sounds too stressful!“.  I get it, sometimes it might not be as appealing to be a doctor in a stressful situation! Having said that, in the cooperative game, that burden is shared making the game a little more palatable. 


Why watch an episode of House when you can play it?  Just remember when doing patient interviews: “Everybody Lies.”

Taking Cats To The Vet: Really? This is the Theme? A Review of Hissy Fit!

Welcome back to Cooperative Surprise Month! After being surprised (in a good way) by Sammu-Ramat a few weeks ago (see our review here), and finding an old review of Chainsomnia (see our review last week), we take a look at a quirky cooperative game with a surprisingly unique theme! Let’s take a look at Hissy Fit!

Really, the theme of this game, Hissy Fit!, is taking cats to the veterinarian. I am not making this up!

Hissy Fit! is a cooperative card game for 1-4 players that plays in about 20 minutes. Hissy Fit! was on Kickstarter back in January 2023; it promised delivery in November 2023, but it didn’t deliver to me until late February 2024. So it was about 3-4 months late; that’s not a big deal in Kickstarter land.


I picked Hissy Fit! up because it looked cute, and it was cheap: it was only $20 on Kickstarter (plus shipping).  Did I get my money’s worth?



Hissy Fit! is a small cooperative card game in smallish box: see the Coke Can for  perspective above.


There are 58 cards in this game (see many above) and some supporting tokens and sheets (see below).



If you are a cat fan (which is probably why you are here), you have a myriad of choices for “what cat sticker” goes on the cat meeple: see above.


This game is cute, everything is very readable, and it’s very cute (I know, I said that already).  If you like cats, you will probably like this game.  If you don’t like cats … you may still like this game: keep reading!

Rulebook … I mean … Pamphlet.


The rulebook is a pamphlet. Sigh.


It folds out, and it’s quite readable, despite it’s largish footprint.


It even gets a decent grade on the Chair Test (maybe a B): it basically fits and has a good size font with a lot of good pictures and examples.


The set-up is good: it has a picture (with annotations! see above) and is very well done.


This rulebook is better than I expected.  It teaches the rules pretty well and it’s pretty easy to read.  Its major sin is  that “it’s just a pamphlet”, but it surprisingly good.  (There’s no index or chapters, but it doesn’t need one: this is a relatively simple game).



The humans need to get the cat to the vet, but of course, the cat uses all its wiles to not go! The Cat Tracker card (see above) show how much you need to do to get the cat to the vet! Basically, this is a race! You are trying to move the cat meeple from the start to the cat carrier (see above)! If players can cooperatively move the cat meeple to the end, they win! Huzzah!


There are 4 difficulties to the game, depending on how hard you want the game! There’s  Kitten mode, Cat mode, Fierce Mode, and Feral mode! See two Cat Tracker cards above for Cat mode and Feral Mode!!

Feral mode (above right) is the hardest mode, as you have fewer scratches you can can endure and further to go!


Players win if they get the cat meeple to the end, but if the players ever get too many scratches (the red cube at the maximum number of scratches), they lose!


Players also lose if the cat has three hissy fits! 


Every hissy fit icon on the cards will advance the hissy fit card … if you ever get three tokens on the card, the hissy fit happens!

The game has a fairly typical cooperative game arc: “bad news” cards start the round, and players play “good news” cards to help. The “bad news” cards are the Cat Cards (see above). As these cards come out, they cause continual bad stuff to happen! For example: In the white panel above is a backward paw: it causes the cat meeple to go backwards unless you get rid of that Zoomies card!

The players play Human Cards to help deal withe Cat Cards.  When you play a Human Card, you choose one of the good effects (in the white strip) on the card.  The rightmost effect (see above) would move the cat meeple forward three spaces!  The leftmost effect would give two resources of each type of Cat Attitudes: you place cubes on the Cat Cards appropriately.


If you get enough Cat Attitude resources, you can get rid of the Cat Card!  For example, when we play the Tuna Can card to stop the Zoomies (see above), we only have 2 Angry Cat resources (brown), so we can only partly stop the Zoomies: we need to play another human card with the Angry cat (brown) symbol: we use the clear cubes to note what we have already played.  Unfortunately, the Zoomies stays out another turn.


Turns are pretty quick and easy: the current player draws a Cat Card and suffers its bad effects, then that current player gets to do 2 things: play a Human Card or draw a Human card!  You can choose any Human Card in the display, or you can blindly draw the top.   Once you are done, move left to the next player! Play continues until the cats win or the humans win!


One of the most important rules in the game is playing combos: when any player plays a card, another player can follow and play a card with the same symbol!  See the example above (from the rules) with the yarn ball symbol allowing the players to play three cards!  

This combo rule is critical to winning the game: it allows you to play many cards in one shot if you really need to!

Solo Game


The solo game is well-specified and very simple (thank you for following Saunders’ Law): there is only one player, but he starts the game with 5 Human Cards.  The solo player simply keeps taking his turn over and over, basically rotating back to himself.  Cat Card, Two Actions, Cat Card, Two Actions, repeat!


The victory and loss conditions are exactly the same: the only thing that really changes depending on the number of players is how many cards the player(s) starts with! 


I was able to learn, then play the game twice in the same night as my friends came over!   I lost my first solo game and won my second (on Kitten Mode).  I started groking it pretty quickly.


I lost my first game because I didn’t take the rulebook/pamphlet seriously!  The game is all about playing combos to win!  See above as I play three Human Cards that all have the mouse icon! Yep, you gotta play combos to win!


This is a light solo game that plays in 20 minutes.  It’s pretty fun. If I am waiting for someone and just want to kill 20 minutes, this would be a fun and easy game to play: it’s not too thinky, but it’s still very engaging.

Cooperative Game


The cooperative game flowed well.  After I learned the game, I was able to teach everyone the game fairly quickly: part of that is because the solo game is still the main game!  It’s really easy to get into it!


This game is smooth and easy to play cooperatively.  There’s a lot of engagement as players realize “we need to play this combo!!!” See above as Sara and Andrew try to figure out how to combo to take out the 3 Cat Cards!


The game was still about 20-25 minutes and moved quickly.  This game was easy to learn and pretty fun to play.

What I Liked


The art is adorable.  And the cards are easy to read.


The game is super easy to set-up and understand.


It worked well as both a cooperative game and a solo game.


In the end, the gameplay was just so smoooooth and easy. Anyone can play this.


The combo mechanism is fantastic: it reminds of the “follow” mechanism that so enchanted us from the Plum Island Horror (see our review here).  By allowing ANY player to play a Human Card that matches the current symbol, everyone can stay engaged even when it’s not their turn!  This one mechanism made this fairly standard cooperative game stand out for me: it kept everyone engaged!

What I Didn’t Like


There aren’t enough Human Cards. You will see all of them in your first game! There needs to be quite a bit more for better variety.


I don’t love the cover, but I was absolutely in the minority on this. I think the art is so cute in the game (see the Ball With Bell above), but I don’t think the cover captured just how cute this game is! Again, I am in the minority: all my friends disagree with me on this.


I don’t love the pamphlet form factor. Whatever, it’s still a pretty good set of rules.


It’s not super deep. You’ll get it pretty quickly: that may limit its replayability.



Hissy Fit! is surprisingly fun! It’s a light game that’s easy to teach: you can teach and start playing right away! This is a quick solo and cooperative game that plays in about 20 minutes! Are you looking for a light and quick solo/cooperative game? Hissy Fit! might be right for you!


And you don’t have to love cats to like this game: the gameplay is solid, especially with the combo mechanism keeping everyone engaged as they play!   The gameplay is just smooth.


I give this a solid 7.5/10 and Teresa gives this a 7/10. Andrew and Sara would give it a 7, but the small number of Human Cards reduces some of the replayability for them, so they give it a 6.5/10. I think an expansion which added a lot more Human Cards would move this to a 7/10 for them.


This small game has a sense of humor and a wacky theme, but it plays so smoothly.  It’s a surprise to me how much I liked Hissy Fit! given how weird and quirky it is.  Yes, I got my money’s worth for $20.

A Review of Chainsomnia

Welcome back to Cooperative Surprise Month! Last month we looked at the brand new game (Sammu-ramat) which was so surprisingly good! This week, we surprised ourselves by finding an old review which we never published! This is a review for the cooperative game Chainsomnia by Seiji Kanai! Let’s take a look!

Chainsomnia was a cooperative game I picked up from GameNerdz fairly recently (EDITOR: at the time this was written, it was June 2023 .. ahem).  It was a Kickstarter game, but I didn’t know that when I ordered it from GameNerdz (I guess I missed the Kickstarter).  Chainsomnia was appealing to me because it looks like a light cooperative game from the designer (Seiji Kanai) of Unicornus Knights!  I think that Unicornus Knights is something of a hidden gem (see Part I and Part II of our review), as it made our Top 10 Cooperative Games of 2017!


This game is about a bunch of nightmare-ridden little kids trying to get out of a castle of nightmares! It’s for 1-4 players, 40-60 minutes, and ages 14+. Let’s take a look.

Unboxing and Gameplay


This is a pretty deep box.  The Coke Can actually fits inside it pretty well!


Seriously, this is a pretty deep box: mostly for the tiles.


Each character takes the role of a child trapped in the castle:


Each character has a standee and a character sheet.



Each character has some abilities (Strength, Luck, and Wisdom) which will form the the basis of a two-dice ability role.


For example, Chloe above has 3 Strength, 3 Wisdom and 3 Luck.  She can also get rid of Bad Dream easily with an AP (Action Point).


AP stands for Action Point.  The little chart to the left shows you how many AP you have per turn.  As you get Chains in the game (Ryan above has 2 chains), it reduces the number of AP you have per turn.


The Summary Cards summarize what you can do, but basically explore, search, give, skill, move, use or take.


In order to win, the characters must cooperatively explore the Castle to find the way out: the Way Out is the last card in the tile deck.  See Chloe winning the game for everyone by finding the Way Out … when there are no Bad Dreams on the board.


Like most cooperative games, there are “Bad News” cards that come out.  In this case, the Bad News cards are called “Events” and come out every time you explore and discover a new Room.


Generally speaking, the Event cards are full of nightmares that clog up the rooms.  You can’t enter a room with a nightmare until you take it out.  How do you take it out?


Each Bad Dream is different (for example, above you have to discard an Item), but generally you have to make a skill check on 2 dice, and roll higher than your skill.  If Ryan’s Strength is 5 and requires a 11+ Strength to Vanquish, then Ryan will need to roll a 6 or more (6+5 >= 11) on two dice to succeed in the Skill check.


Incidentally, skill checks are how you get Items (very useful tools): generally, each room will tell you what you need to roll to get one.  In the first room (see below), if you roll a 12 or higher on any skill check, you get an item.



There are other very bad cards that modify the Event Deck (see Shriek above) but if you make it through all Event cards without finding the Way Out you lose.  If you can get to the Way Out and defeat all Bad Dreams on the board you Win!


The components are quite cute, if a little minimal.  The cards are not linen finished.



The rulebook is good, except that it doesn’t talk a lot about edge conditions.  As we played the game, a bunch of questions came up (“Are Action Points dynamic?  Do you immediately lose/gain an AP as a result of a chain change?”).  There was a FAQ, but it didn’t answer the questions that seem to come up with us.


The components list had no pictures, but the Set-up was well-labelled to counteract that.   In general, there were appropriate pictures and the game was explained well-enough.  I even like that it had a FAQ, it just didn’t seem to address the questions we had.  I’ll call the rulebook good enough.

Solo Mode


Congratulations to Chainsomnia for following Saunders’ Law and having a solo mode!


Unfortunately, the solo player must take control of 3 characters.  Similarly, a 2-Player game would have each player take control of 2 characters.  Basically, there must always be 3 or 4 characters in the game.  This isn’t ideal for the solo because there’s always the context switch issue as you jump from character to character, playing each one separately.


Luckily for the solo mode, the context switch issue is not too problematic: each character has a pretty simple character with one “major” power.   For example, if one of your characters were Ryan (see above), it’s easy to remember he’s strong (strength of 5) and can also eliminate one monster for one AP.   There’s not too much to remember for each character, so context switching from character to character isn’t a big deal. Contrast this to the characters from Marvel Zombies: Heroes Resistance where each context switch becomes heavier and heavier as the characters get more and more abilities in the game (see our review here).  While the extra abilities in Marvel Zombies: Heroes Resistance are cool, it makes it significantly harder to play multiple characters.


It took me two solo games to get a win.  I remember losing my first game and saying, “Nope! I wanna play again! I know what to do now!”   I think your strategy really depends on the characters you choose, so my second game was with the same 3 characters.


I made one major mistake in both solo games: I forgot to save my Ominous Event cards and my Auspicious event cards.  In most every other cooperative game, you throw away events when you are done … Nope!  Here, they are a measure oh how well you did.


When you open the secret envelope, you need those cards.  I didn’t realize this until after my second game!


Basically, you measure your victory (in the event of a win) by how many Auspicious Events and Ominous Events you got.    That was kind of cool: it’s a hidden and secret way to measure success, and gives you a reason to play again to try for a “better” win.


I didn’t love solo mode (mostly because of the 3 character issue), but it was fun enough to play again.  It also gave me enough insight to teach to my friends.

Cooperative Mode


This game went over pretty well as a cooperative game: probably better than I expected.  Since you always need at least 3 or 4 characters in play (this totally reminds me of Unicornus Knights), a 3 or 4-player game is probably ideal: that way every player gets exactly one character to operate, and it’s easier to inhabit and connect with the game if you are “that character”.


I noticed that, as we were playing, we really did consult each other a lot … and console each other a lot.  “Hey, don’t worry: I can take care of that nightmare!”  “Hey, don’t worry, I can get you an item!”  Sara’s character’s power allowed here to give items to other people anywhere on the board … this was huge! It allowed us to power up!  Even if we had a bad role, the game evoked a pathos: “It’s all right, we’ll get you out of that mess.”  Maybe there’s something about being a little kid that brings out the best in people, and makes them want to help each other?


There were a lot of fun little moments playing cooperatively.  I knew the game had gone well when we spent the post-game talking about all sorts of other ways we could have won/lost, been more strategic, etc.  People cared enough to keep thinking about the game, even when it was over!



What’s going on with this box?  It has a huge insert, but the game doesn’t fit back into the box unless you do one of two things:

  1. Always remove the plastic bases
  2. Pack the dice into the fingerholes!


Those of you who have played GloomHaven know the problem with constantly removing/adding the plastic bases!  Basically, the bottom tears!  So, I chose to leave the plastic bases on.  Which means the game box WHICH IS HUGE doesn’t fit the game!  I had to be clever … and put the dice in the fingerholes.


Yup, not ideal, but then the game fits. See below for pictures of how I fit the game in.



Chainsomnia was pretty fun.  Although the rules were missing a lot of edge cases, the game was still pretty easy to teach and play.  The group liked it, but didn’t love it:

  • Teresa, Rich: 7/10, liked it, would suggest it
  • Sara: 6.5/10 liked it, would happily play, maybe wouldn’t suggest it as first choice
  • Andrew: 6/10 Liked it well enough, would play again

The biggest issue with the game was that it felt a little “samey” after a few plays.  You could mitigate that by switching up the characters to have different strategies.  It was also maybe a little too lucky with so much emphasis being placed on the dice.

Chainsomnia was fun enough.  We actually would not recommend this for kids: even though this game is cute, the nightmares attacking kids might not go over well with younger players.  This game is more for older kids who like light cooperative games with an anime look.

EDITOR: At the time Our Top 10 Cooperative Tile-Laying/Placement games was written, Chainsomnia just barely squeaked onto the list as #10. I hate to say it, but I think Race for The Raft came along, moved to the top of the list, and pushed everything down one space (see our review here: it’s that good)! So that means Chainsomnia is #11 now …